Self Drive journey from Otaru to Asahikawa during Winter with Snow tyres rental car

The first self drive during winter (snowing) began...... (Otaru to Asahikawa)

"I came from a country where 365 days without snow and coldest maybe just 23 degree if it rain whole day. But one of the most lightning and thunder country"

Getting excited! Everywhere blanket with snow so bright and shiny making 
the journey remarkably entertaining.

Otaru to Asahikawa driving journey took us about 2 hours 25 mins

You will drive through many tunnels on the highway. 
*remember switch on head light for safety

Choose toll gate (ETC Card) for cash payments. 

This was our first toll charge at 1220 yen. You be given a receipt.

Handled this ticket on the next entrance.

Surrounded by snow capped mountains
Requested for a English version GPS. The menu will be in English. As for direction, still in
Japanese. We will punched in telephone number (or postal code) for those destinations.
It worked excellent. Streets and highways were precised. 

First stop-over for a break along highway and was snowing!
(video above)

Direction map available here. 

2nd toll charged at 3320 yen.

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