Latin Oz Cuisine & Patisserie at Gold Coast

We have our lunch at Latin Oz Cuisine & Patisserie with their three-Course Latin meal for two people offer by Groupon. It was recommended and Rank #2 at tripadvisor. Nowadays, advertising online especially word of mouth play an important part of business. The lady requested us to give good remarks few times at her restaurant.

AUD$29 for 2 persons (Value at $45)
Shop 5, 175 Ferry Road (Southport Park Village)
Southport 4215

  • Two empanadas
  • Any main
  • A dessert pastry
  • A can of soft drink
Empanadas; choose from flavors like beef mince, ham and cheese, chicken, cheese and mushroom, cheese and onion, and tomato, cheese and basil. This was very crispy and tasty. Out of all below, i will give this 4.25/5. The rest were average 3/5.

Chicken schnitzel burger. Yes i know the meat do not look great on this photo, actually
the burger also taste average 3/5 i will give.

This another main but i forgot what's the dish name. 

End on a sweet note with a dessert pastry like alfajores and caramel horns. 

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