Mountain Merapi active Volcano, 4WD Jeep bumpy ride, Museum Omahku

At north of Yogyakarta, the most active Volcano in Indonesia - Mount Merapi or Gunung Merapi (fire mountain). It erupted very often since Yr 1548 as described. The last was year 2010 which the damaged could still be seen. So will it be dangerous to be there? Frankly, I don't know.

Tip: Do not show up for Merapi during raining season, if your purpose is for the stunning view of the peak. You be disappointed after spending your dollars. If you are okay with not seeing one, I be dumbfound

On our way, could see competitive services for 4X4 Jeep drive to Merapi.
Our driver handed our life to this Jeep's driver. Surprisingly, this Jeep was left-hand drive.
No wonder we need this sturdy and durable Jeep, as the terrain was challenging.
Second part of the terrain will be worst.
1 hour from Borobudur to hop on our Jeep ride, and another 20 mins up to viewing point

Our trip (rain season cloudy - October) not ideal because the unfriendly Mount Merapi
camouflage behind the cloud. (Above) photo taken from their exhibit.

Museum Ini Omahku
Exhibit the damaged house, the evidence of Merapi's destructive power in Year 2010.

Some photos of the dreadful episode

Cattle's Skeleton

Brutalize glasses and cups 

The next destination - Alien's head
Did not captured the huge rock that was said to look like "Alien's Head".
I don't see it look like one but did feel the powerful event if the Rock was brought there by
the disruption.

Suppose my landscape to be the fiery Merapi

The pathway of Lava

Next, will be bumpy journey (too many loose rocks) to the viewing point.

The attraction for this trip definitely must be the stunning glimpse of Merapi.
Why you so shy? Disappointed!!! 

Day1 Flight delay and cancelled
Day 2 Indonesia Yogyakarta, taxi, Jogja City Mall
           Neo Malioboro Hotel
Day 3 BorobudurMerapiPrambanan temple
Day 4 Jomblang Cave
          Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort & Spa

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