Underground world of Jomblang Cave

This Yogyakarta 5D4N trip almost everyday need to jump out of bed very early. Even though, it's early, holidays spirit always enthusiastic.
Day 1 (7 am - flight delay and lastly cancel),
Day 2 (5 am - catch the coach to airport),
Day 3 (3 am - Sunrise at Borobudur),
Day 4 (6:30 am - enjoy breakfast),
Day 5 (4:45 am early flight departure)

This will be the Day 4, consider the later time to get up. 8 am driver will be fetch us at
Neo Malioboro hotel for another exciting day -  Jomblang Cave. (It's different from recent visit to Sarawak Fairy Cave & Wind Cave)

The cave so high above? Anyway lovely scenery!

The journey was 1 hour 40 mins. We have to be there by 10 am. I think one day they accept
25 persons and only a trip down the cave. 

The last part before arriving was bumpy and muddy after bad weather. Don't understand since it's tourist spot, should have construct proper road for user. *I don't think we know get here self-driving.

This the base for ticketing and washing up, as well for packed lunch.

Changed to their rubber shoes. Will be slippery and muddy underground.
*Will be good to carry a torchlight or use your mobile phone

Settled and waiting for our turn. We will be getting Q number to get down. 
Early bird gets the worm!

Yes, gonna be tied up and lower down. Maybe it about at least 8 floor high.

Our friendly driver from Kartika Tour Travel. 
This trip including ticket to Cave and transport for 2 pax cost RP 1,500,000.

Look at how we were lower down. All manually by human hands.

Got to be extra careful as it slippery

This is the reason why only one trip here a day. We need the sun to create
the effect of heaven light.

This was a wet month so we struggled to get the best shot. 
The light came and covered in mins. 

There were plenty of waiting time for this attraction. Wait to come down. Wait for guide to bring us into the cave. Wait for photo taking. Wait to be pull up in pair. 
There were about 14 peoples pulling us up. 

Day1 Flight delay and cancelled
Day 2 Indonesia Yogyakarta, taxi, Jogja City Mall
           Neo Malioboro Hotel
Day 3 BorobudurMerapiPrambanan temple
Day 4 Jomblang Cave
          Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort & Spa

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