Railway transport from Taitung Station to Fangliao Station and transfer to Kenting by bus

After checking various guide, decided to reach Fangliao by railway train, and transfer to Kenting by bus. If you are adventure enough and not intimate by the boiling sun, can consider ride all the way to Kenting. Understand from Taitung railway station that motorbike rental office, we can arranged to return bike at Kenting with extra charges.

NT $223 (No seat) If you must have seat, then please don't book last minute.

Not to block others, stand and sit in between cars. 

Once awhile look out for beautiful scenery and not wanting to miss them.
Opportunity may never comes again.

I really love ocean and sea. My dream home is one that facing it when i awake.

*This will be useful for you
Map arrow sign lead you to where we took bus to Kenting. It took us awhile to find where
was it outside Fangliao Railway Station. It could be my character (observe), watch for
how people that do not look like local moved. 

This was the shop that sell tickets and bus was outside.

Prices of places of interest tourist destinations.

Wonderful that we arrived in time where bus departing. No waiting time wasted.

NT $181 to Kenting.
Traveling free and easy can be adventure and yet tiring. Many events were unanticipated.
It trained me to pick up when i fall in life. It thought me to expect the unexpected.
It guide me to see how people behave and live by observing. 

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