Free and easy in Hualien

By Railway train, from Taipei main station to Hualien station, took about 2 hours and 10 mins. And this was by Express train. (Express train has less stop-over).

This map come useful to give me an idea of North/South/East/West of Taiwan.

You may want request seats on the left (towards Hualien) if you prefer scenic view of the sea. Is that the sea or ocean? You find out and share with me :D

Tip: I have downloaded a series of interesting movie to be occupied on flight and train. Truly, I reached Hualien "easily", even with an almonst 12 hours journey (leave home @6am and reached Hualien 530pm).

Reached Hualien station, come out to the direction towards "Information Centre". You can collect some useful brochures and map there.

Left-hand drive at Hualien

Before i set off, i read that 3 foods cannot be missed. 
1. Wanton (Dumpling)
2. 公正包子 Gong Zheng Pau Zi (Justice Street Buns)
3. Goose meat 鹅肉先生

Must try this stall. Their Wantan very juicy. Really miss them now
Make on-the-spot. Wantan skin not too thick, its silky and soup clear & tasty. I will give 4.75/5 for the taste (Top-bottom)
1. The famous "Justice Street bun". I tried the stall which is nearer to main road. At that moment, too anxious to join the Q, when going off then noticed beside was another stall selling same bun. You may want try (the stall beside) and share with me. Btw, i only ordered the Yellow ("Xiao Long Bao" NT$5) & Brown (Steam Dumpling a basket NT$30) highlighted in the Signboard. Should i say, i will give 4.25/5 for the taste and 5/5 for price.

2. I did not try the Goose meat for two reasons. I was abit full after squeezing in wanton/bun and as i pass by, the meat don't really appease me "must eat". 

3. Watermelon King..... "What's so special? I suppose the size. Okay, be fair, it's sweet too.

Look at this serene street. It the Rainbow Night Market (Above). Don't waste your time here unless you want find a corner to read book. It's totally different from ZiQiang Night Market (below) where you can see Q snaking at many food stalls. Just remember to leave big space in your stomach for this night.

After look look, see see, eat eat, what's next? Of course it's time to sit & relax - Massage (below). After jacuzzi those feets, lay back and enjoy a session of legs and shoulder massage. Massage not cheap (also not too expensive) here but somehow the skill is different. Good to try.

This hotel was rated 8.6 at Agoda. Pictures speak a thousand words. Clean and big. Toilet bowl even provide "services". Located near shopping street. No bathtub. Unless you need one hotel near Railway station, this will be a great choice.
After check-in, time to eat again. This dessert stall is just outside the hotel. Serve by friendly young ladies. Both hot & cold are nice. 4.5/5 Simply delicious.

Refer to number on the map above:
1. Justice Street bun
2. Goose Meat
3. Watermelon King
4. Local snacks (long Q for "Butter biscuit" which they ordered online)
5. The place i took simply delicious dessert
6. ZiQiang Night Market (left bottom corner on map @my finger)
7. I took awesome Wanton here
8. Information Centre - Outside train station (left top on map)
A. Location of Arsma Hotel
Red line - the route i walked from Train station to hotel. If you carry heavy luggage then not advisable to walk, as it look small on map, but it's far. I walk, look see, eat, not long i found my hotel with full stomach. (*Walk and eat can help digest and fill up more)

Click Here:
Day 1 - Taiwan Free and easy itinerary
Day 1 - Free and easy in Hualien
Day 2 - Taroko Gorge Trail 
Day 2 - Cycling in Qixingtan
Day 3 - Taipei Night Market and Ximending
Day 4 - Maokong Gondola/ Xinbeitou hot spring
Day 4 - Cycling at Taiwan Dadaocheng Wharf near Daqiaotou train station
Day 5 - Early morning flight 

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