What to pack for backpacking holidays

Backpacking - Go on a hike using backpack! Be prepared to step out of our comfort zone and explore.

Preferably go light and be mobile. Which reminded us only to take the essential stuffs.

Pack Smart. For clothes, we can bring along those old and plan to hurl. Or do our own laundry while we are travelling. Some backpacker hostels provide washing machines.

Jeans are versatile and rugged to wear more days.

Wear comfortable shoes as we will be our feet most of times. It advisable to bring along extra pair of shoes just in case.

It be more convenient to bring along communication devices such as phone and tablet, as we can go online make booking of hotels or transport during trip.

Must bring a universal adapter and other necessary chargers.

Pack along medicine such as for diarrhoea and travel sickness. Some places may not be easy to locate pharmacies.

Bring along stuffs to kill time like book, music player or load tones of movies on your tablet.

For peace of mind, get ourself travel insurance that come with comprehensive plan that offers medical and emergency assistance, financial reimbursements for unexpected events and security assistance.

Good to know:
What to pack for a quick trip
What not to pack
Tips for planning vacations
Guide for Travel Insurance
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What to pack for backpacking holidays

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