Nepal Tribhuvan International Airport, Hotel Art Kathmandu, Thamel

After transit from AirAsia small plane to bigger plane at KL (Malaysia Kuala Lumpur), we reached Nepal Tribhuvan International Airport around local time 2 pm.

If you also flying with AirAsia, their seats are arranged as below. You wanted window seats will be A and K. (Seat arrangement: A/B/C, D/F/G, H/J/K)

Fill up the form which will be distributed on flight to Nepal

Surrounded by beautiful mountains

The machine (blue above) for apply VISA

Apply for VISA at Nepal Airport. US$25 for minimum of 15 days duration. They do not accept their own currency, Nepali Rupees (rs). There was a currency exchange beside so no worries!

1. Either you apply on the machine provided beside the Q (there was a cam on it for photo taking), get the receipt after completed, and Q to pay up; or
2. Fill up the VISA registration form and paste a passport size photo, and Q to pay up. 
Tip: Someone to Q first

Paying (Q) counter

Transport: Taxi can be easily hired at Nepal tourist area. Be patience and negotiate for a price range between 400-500rs within Kathmandu. We were surrounded by many drivers (one who said they are "licensed" asked for 700rs), ended we went for the cheapest 400rs.
Oh, I heard you.... No, there were no metered Taxi.

White color car was their taxi.
You may encounter another fellow hop into the taxi front seat (beside driver), like ours! He could speak fluently in Chinese and English. Don't let your imagination run wild, he should be
one of the Tour Operator good guy. He had provided our job easier. After checked in, we left for his office nearby, discussed and assisted in whatever we needed for our itineraries. He gave us wonderful suggestions. 

Name: Kisan Thapa (below left)
Tour Operator: Good Vibe Adventure

Scanned through online and decided first two nights be lodged at Hotel Art Kathmandu.
Consideration from location, price and comments available. 

Lobby at 2nd floor. 
I love the master piece behind this counter.

Should be cheaper when book online. 

Room and bathroom were neat and clean

Many gorgeous artworks of Nepal in this hotel (think they are for sale)

View from the roof top was stunning. 
If the sky was clearer, mountain view will be even sharper. 

Alluring for morning or evening yoga exercise (reverse triangle pose), especially in winter.

Checked what type of adapter you needed

Art indeed revitalized the breakfast space. 
And the open kitchen made wonder.

Breakfast was in buffet spread. Simple yet tasty. I am contented! 
This was the beginning of days..... i started to savor Kopi O (coffee black)

Spa for you Sir/Mdm? 

Why this hotel hiding at the corner of the huddled Thamel's street?
You will appreciated the good night peace!

Bought a Sim Card at this shop house around Hotel area. 
It cost around 700rs for a Ncell network data plan with 800MB. 

My Nepal itinerary:

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