Top 3 things to do at Nepal Kathmandu in a day, Swayambhunath Temple (Monkey Temple), Durbar Square, Boudhanath Stupa

Today will be sightseeing day around Kathmandu (valley) top attractions before we fly to Pokhara tomorrow. We had 7-8 hours with the driver (US$20 per person). There were many attractions you could find, and we decided on these 3 our BEST.

1. Swayambhunath Temple (a.k.a. Monkey Temple)

It's situated on a hill so we be exploring many scenic angle views. From our Hotel Art, it's
about 15mins (3.5km) away.

Read that there were different entrance to this temple. One with 365 steps, leading to
the main platform of the Swayambhunath temple. I think should be this below which took in the car.

Entrance Fee: 200rs

If the sky was clearer, how lovely! 

Typically, we will click click click

Now you know why it's also called Monkey Temple. They will not bothered you, unless
you hold attractive foods. Some were huge and fierce, which you could see their
sharp pointed teeth -- intimidating.

Not only monkeys, pigeons and dogs made friend as well. 
Just like us, a wide smile will bond different nationalities and religious together.
Hope the world be more peaceful! 

There are shrines and temples. And a Stupa that has Buddha's eyes and eyebrows 
painted on. Between them, the number one (in Devanagari script) is painted in the 
fashion of a nose. 

2. Durbar Square

Driver stop us where he be waiting, and lead us walked towards the 
UNESCO World Heritage Site - Kathmandu Durbar Square. 
12 mins away from Monkey Temple (8 mins from Hotel Art)

 Entrance Fee: 1000rs

Looks like holy place always plenty of pigeons. 
Its because local selling food to feed them.
Some of the temples which affected by earthquake still not fully restored.
Maybe that's why tourist to this area was scanty. 

Durbar Square (maybe its outside of Dubar) streets have many wholesale shops.
You could see street after street selling group of items like backpack, winter jacket, matttress,
electronic item, clothes, etc. Just remember to observe to get your way back. The GPS will
come in handy. 

This should be destroyed by earthquake.

This was a Chinese restaurant operated by few young China Chinese. We were
captured by their huge signboard (Chinese character). According to them, business was brief
after Earthquake. This meal cost us 1700rs. Every restaurants will have FREE WIFI. 

3. Boudhanath Stupa,  

This has one of the largest Stupa in the world. It also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
And the most popular attraction at Kathmandu. On that day, everyone moving in 
without need to pay fee. Either a holiday or no fee needed. 

A lovely and kind lady. I saw she handled my donation to another old man who beg
from her. Wish and bless she has a good health! 

Everywhere when unblocked, you can have awesome mountain view.
But now people go for "Stupa view"

During our visit, there were prayer conducting. 

Requested this gorgeous kid for a shot. Look at his smile - dazzling!
Love his red round cheek.

There were guesthouses around Boudhanath

It's time to try this local well-known dish called MoMo. 
There were few filling you could choose.
And also have a tremendous Stupa view. 
With mountain backdrop!

My Nepal itinerary:

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